Video: OpenHPC Introduction

In this video from DefConf 2018, Adrian Reber from Red Hat presents:

“Software provisioning is a common task repeated at many high performance computing sites to provide the local users with scientific applications and libraries. As the effort to compile HPC software is known to be duplicated by many HPC sites, the idea to collaborate in a community led to the creation of the OpenHPC project. In this talk I want to provide an introduction to OpenHPC, its community efforts and how it can help HPC sites. In addition to the OpenHPC introduction I want to describe how the OpenHPC community effort is used as upstream for the CentOS HPC SIG. I want to present the current status of the HPC SIG and the future goals.”

Adrian Reber is a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat and is migrating processes at least since 2010. He started to migrate processes in a high performance computing environment and at some point he migrated so many processes that he got a PhD for that.

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