Steve Conway and Earl Joseph of Hyperion Research
The HPC User Forum has posted their speaker agenda for their upcoming meeting in Tucson. Hosted by Hyperion Research, the event takes place April 16-18 at Loews Ventana Canyon.
The April meeting will explore the status and prospects for quantum computing and HPC use of HPC for environmental research, especially natural disasters such as earthquakes and the recent California wildfires. As always, the meeting will also look at new developments in HPDA-AI, cloud computing and other areas of continuing interest to the HPC community. A special session will look at the growing field of processors and accelerators supporting HPC systems.
Update: Dr. Donovan Mathias, acting deputy chief of NASA’s NAS Division, has agreed to give an April 17 dinner keynote talk entitled, “The Threat of Asteroids and What We Are Doing About It.”
Dr. Donovan Mathias has spent the last 15 years developing risk assessment tools that incorporate physics-based analyses for numerous NASA aircraft and spacecraft architecture studies and asteroid risk assessments.
Previously, he was the crew safety and reliability manager for the Ares I crew launch vehicle. For his work to advance the state-of-the-art risk assessment methods, Mathias has received numerous NASA honors, including two NASA Exceptional Leadership Medals, a Space Flight Awareness Award, the Silver Snoopy, and group achievement awards. He obtained a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in aeronautical engineering from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, and holds a Ph.D. in aeronautics and astronautics from Stanford University.
Topics and Speakers:
Quantum Computing and HPC: Status and Prospects
- James Clarke, Intel
- John Martinis, Google
- T.R. Govindan, NASA
- Chad Rigetti or designate, Rigetti Computing
- Awaiting confirmation from three other leaders in quantum computing
Environment/Natural Disasters and HPC
- The Julia Program for Cosmological Research, Alan Edelman, MIT
- HPC Use for Earthquake Research, Christine Goulet, Southern California Earthquake Center
- Using HPC to Model the California Wildfires, Ilkay Altintas, San Diego Supercomputer Center
- Weather Prediction Using the K Computer and Himwari-B Satellite, Takemasa Miyoshi, RIKEN
- Exploiting Exascale Platforms for Regional-Scale Earthquake Hazard and Risk Assessment, David McCallen, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Artificial Intelligence
- Adversarial Neural Networks to Address the AI/Deep Learning “Black Box” Problem, Wahid Bhimji, NERSC
- More to come
Compute Ontario
- Chief Technical Officer Chris Loken discusses this program that plays a pivotal role in supporting the advanced research and Big Data strategy of Canada’s largest province
DOE Exascale Computing Program (ECP)
- ECP-funded applications headed for exascale performance
- Invitations have gone out for major vendors to give technical updates
Innovative Technologies Panel Session
- Selected vendors briefly describe innovations they are pursuing, followed by a panel discussion
HPC Innovation Excellence Award Winners
- Talks by 1-2 recent winners are featured at each HPC User Forum meeting