Call for Proposals: International Conference on Parallel Processing in Oregon

The 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing has issued its Call for Proposals. Sponsored by ACM SIGHPC, the event takes place August 13-16 in Eugene, Oregon.

Parallel and distributed computing is a central topic in science, engineering and society. ICPP, the International Conference on Parallel Processing, provides a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry and government to present their latest research findings in all aspects of parallel and distributed computing.

ICPP 2018 will be organized around the following tracks:

  • Architecture, including processor; memory; I/O; network; instruction-, thread- and data-level parallelism; accelerators & other special-purpose hardware; power-aware/energy-efficient
  • Algorithms, including combinatorial and numerical; scheduling; power- aware/energy-efficient; machine learning; modeling & analysis
  • Applications, including big data; data analytics; computational science & engineering (e.g., aerospace, arts; biology, finance, geology)
  • Software, including systems software; middleware; programming models, languages, and environments; compilers; operating systems; run-time systems; resource management
  • Performance, including scalability; modeling; evaluation of hardware & algorithms; visualization; tools

Workshop Proposals are due February 19, 2018.

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