Supercomputing Frontiers Europe Announces Keynote Speakers

The Supercomputing Frontiers conference has announced it Full Agenda and Keynote Speakers. The event takes place March 12-15 in Warsaw, Poland.

Supercomputing Frontiers is an annual international conference that provides a platform for thought leaders from both academia and industry to interact and discuss visionary ideas, important visionary trends and substantial innovations in supercomputing.

The program will include sessions on:

  • Supercomputing applications in domains of critical impact in scientific, economic and human terms, and especially those requiring computing resources approaching Exascale
  • Cryptography and HPC: classical, quantum and post-quantum
  • Big data science merging with supercomputing with associated issues of I/O, high bandwidth networking, storage, workflows, real time processing, graph methods
  • Architectural complexity of Exascale systems with special focus on new and special purpose processor architectures, supercomputing interconnects, interconnect topologies and routing
  • Cosmology, Astrophysics – Big Data and Big Iron
  • Genomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics and Connectomics
  • Pushing the boundaries of supercomputing to exascale and beyond

Speakers include:

  • Dimitri Kusnezov, Department of Energy, USA
  • Whitfield Diffie, Stanford University, USA
  • Petros Koumoutsakos, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • Rick Stevens, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
  • Joanna Sułkowska, University of Warsaw, Poland
  • Thomas Sterling, Indiana University, USA
  • Bob Bishop, EMU Technology Inc., USA
  • Tobias Becker, Maxeler Technologies, USA
  • Ronald P. Luijten, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland
  • Nicola Ferrier, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
  • Karlheinz Meier, Heidelberg University, Germany
  • Robert Ewald, D-Wave, USA
  • Benoit Dupont de Dinechin, Kalray, France
  • Joe Mambretti, Northwestern University, USA
  • Baojiu Li, Durham University, UK

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