Take the Exascale Resilience Survey from AllScale Europe

The European Horizon 2020 AllScale project has launched a survey on exascale resilience.

As we approach ExaScale, compute node failure will become commonplace. @AllScaleEurope wants to know how #HPC software developers view fault tolerance today, & how they plan to incorporate fault tolerance in their software in the ExaScale era.

The tremendous challenge of developing applications efficiently utilizing the hardware provided by contemporary parallel systems of all scales is among the most limiting factors for the continuous growth of high performance computing.

The AllScale project addresses this problem by providing a tool chain for the effective development of such applications. The design of the AllScale tool chain is based on 3 key principles:

  • Enabling the separation of responsibilities in the development of HPC applications,
  • Utilizing industry standard programming languages and preserving compatibility to existing development and debugging tools, as well as,
  • Employing advanced programming language, compilation and runtime system technology to transparently integrate sophisticated services into parallel applications.

AllScale is expected to boost the parallel applications development productivity, their portability, and runtime efficiency. It will reduce energy needs, and thus improves the resource efficiency utilization of small to extreme scale parallel systems.

In related news, the EASC 2018 Exascale Applications and Software Conference takes place April 19-22 in Edinburgh, UK.

Take the Survey

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