Call for Papers: INFOCOMP 2018 in Barcelona

The INFOCOMP 2018 Conference in Barcelona has issued its Call for Papers. The event takes place July 22-26 in Barcelona, Spain.

INFOCOMP 2018 continues a series of events dedicated to advanced communications and computing aspects, covering academic and industrial achievements and visions. The diversity of semantics of data, context gathering and processing led to complex mechanisms for applications requiring special communication and computation support in terms of volume of data, processing speed, context variety, etc. The new computation paradigms and communications technologies are now driven by the needs for fast processing and requirements from data-intensive applications and domain-oriented applications (medicine, geoinformatics, climatology, remote learning, education, large scale digital libraries, social networks, etc.). Mobility, ubiquity, multicast, multi-access networks, data centers, cloud computing are now forming the spectrum of de factor approaches in response to the diversity of user demands and applications. In parallel, measurements control and management (self-management) of such environments evolved to deal with new complex situations.

The conference technical papers presenting research and practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of the above topics short papers on work in progress, and panel proposals.

Submissions are due March 23, 2018.

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