Ben Bennet from HPE
In this video, European officials and research scientists discuss why high performance computing is a vital component of the technologies that touch our daily lives. The discussion was part of a EURACTIV forum last week focused on the way forward in digitizing Europe and boosting HPC.
“I’m very pleased to see that Europe has realized that high performance computing is a cornerstone to science,” said Ben Bennet from HPE. “The days of hypothesis, conjecture, experiment are long gone, as there are things you can’t experiment with; Especially things like the weather — it tends to experiment on us. Famine — we are on the receiving end. So therefore it is Simulation. Better simulation requires better tools. So let’s understand the problems. Let’s understand the maths and the science, and let’s build the tools to let us solve those problems.”
In March 2017, seven Member States (France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain) signed the EuroHPC declaration in Rome to support the next generation of computing and data infrastructures. Since then another seven countries have also signed the declaration. The declaration is part of the European Cloud Initiative, that aims to strengthen Europe’s position in data-driven innovation, improve its competitiveness and cohesion, and help create a Digital Single Market in Europe.
Currently only 5% of High Performance Computers are located in the EU and according to Vice-President Ansip, not all EU countries have the capacity to develop such infrastructure on their own.
Forum Questions included:
- What is required to reach full exascale performance by 2023?
- What additional/new policy measures can help boost HPC on a national level?
- How can be ensured that supercomputing reinforces the competitiveness of the EU business as essential element of its digitization process?
- How can Europe attain world leadership in HPC?