Call for Submissions: SC18 Workshop on Reproducibility

Over at the SC18 Blog, Stephen Lien Harrell from Purdue writes that the conference will host will host a workshop on the hot topic of Reproducibility. Their Call for Submissions is out with a deadline of August 19, 2018.

In order to meet the demands of HPC researchers, large-scale computational and storage machines require many staff members who design, install, and maintain high-performance systems. These HPC systems professionals include system engineers, system administrators, network administrators, storage administrators, and operations staff that all face challenges that are specific to high performance systems.

The Systems Professionals Workshop is a platform for discussing the unique challenges and developing the state of the practice for the HPC systems community. The program committee is soliciting submissions that address the best practices of building and operating high performance systems with an emphasis on reproducible solutions that can be implemented by systems staff at other institutions.

Aligning with the SC18 push for reproducibility in workshops and the HPC systems professional discipline, the HPCSYSPROS workshop is calling for a new type of submission. Along with academic papers, the committee is soliciting artifact submissions with short descriptions.

These artifacts should have novel and reproducible outcomes, and those outcomes will be verified during the review process. All artifacts and papers will be published as an archive for best practices and novel techniques for dissemination to the broader HPC Systems Professionals community.

Topics of interest include:

  • Cluster, configuration, or software management
  • Performance tuning/Benchmarking
  • Resource manager and job scheduler configuration
  • Monitoring/Mean-time-to-failure/ROI/Resource utilization
  • Virtualization/Clouds
  • Designing and troubleshooting HPC interconnects
  • Designing and maintaining HPC storage solutions
  • Cybersecurity and data protection
  • Cluster storage

Some Artifact Types for Submissions

  • Architecture Descriptions of interesting network, storage or system architecture
  • Small Middleware or Systems Software
  • System Configuration and Configuration Management

SC18 takes place Nov. 11-16 in Dallas.

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