In this video, DK Panda from X-ScaleSolutions describes how the company optimizes and supports open source software for HPC.
“The HPC field has been growing rapidly over the last decade with the availability of multi-/many-core processors, accelerators, high-performance networking, and storage technologies. At the same time, organizations are looking for efficient business analytics with Big Data, Deep Learning, and Cloud Computing. At X-ScaleSolutions, we align cutting edge technology into a convergent trajectory so that business analytics with Big Data/Deep Learning can be solved with high-performance and scalability while exploiting the latest HPC and Cloud technologies. The vision of X-ScaleSolutions is to bring innovative and efficient end-to-end solutions, services, support, and training to our customers.”
X-ScaleSolutions was founded by Dr. Dhabaleswar K. (DK) Panda, a Professor and Distinguished Scholar of Computer Science at The Ohio State University. Driven by his interests in parallel computer architecture, high-performance networking, InfiniBand, network-based computing, exascale computing, programming models, GPUs and accelerators, high performance file systems and storage, virtualization and cloud computing and BigData (Hadoop (HDFS, MapReduce and HBase) and Memcached), he brings a wealth of knowledge at the cutting edge of technology to his clients.
We are a team of experts designing, developing, and supporting high-performance, and scalable middleware for high-end computing over the last 20 years. Over the years, we have trained and educated thousands of people working in these areas.”