Christine Goulet is Executive Science Director for Special Projects at the Southern California Earthquake Center.
In this video from the 2018 HPC User Forum in Tucson, Christine Goulet from the Southern California Earthquake Center presents: HPC Use for Earthquake Research.
“The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) was founded as a Science & Technology Center in 1991, with joint funding by the NSF and the U. S. Geological Survey. SCEC coordinates fundamental research on earthquake processes using Southern California as its principal natural laboratory. This research program is investigator-driven and supports core research and education in seismology, tectonic geodesy, earthquake geology, and computational science. The SCEC community advances earthquake system science through three basic activities: (a) gathering information from seismic and geodetic sensors, geologic field observations, and laboratory experiments; (b) synthesizing knowledge of earthquake phenomena through physics-based modeling, including system-level hazard modeling; and (c) communicating our understanding of seismic hazards to reduce earthquake risk and promote community resilience.”
Christine Goulet is Executive Science Director for Special Projects at the Southern California Earthquake Center at the University of Southern California. Her expertise is in applied seismology, ground motions, site response, and seismic hazards.
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