In this video from the HPC User Forum in Tucson, Chris Loken from Compute Ontario presents: HPC in Ontario, Canada.
“As a central hub, Compute Ontario has a pivotal role in the province’s Advanced Research Computing and Big Data Strategy. Our consortia provide access to comprehensive Advanced Research Computing resources, including High Performance Computing or supercomputers – the largest and most powerful computers and networks, designed to solve the world’s most complex problems. We collaborate with our partners to centralize strategy and planning for Ontario’s advanced computing assets, including hardware, software, data management, storage, storage, security, connectivity and Highly Qualified Personnel. Together, we strive to address concerns about Ontario’s capacity to supply advanced computing at the level required for leading research and enabling industrial competitiveness. At the national level, we represent Ontario at Compute Canada, working with our partner regional organizations ACENET, Calcul Quebec, and Westgrid.”
Dr. Chris Loken, PhD is Chief Technical Officer at Compute Ontario. Dr. Loken brings more than two decades of experience in technology and specifically, within high performance computing. For the past 16 years, Dr. Loken has held progressively senior roles at the University of Toronto, most recently as the Chief Technical Officer at SciNet. Prior to this role, Dr. Loken held visiting academic and research roles at New Mexico State University, University of Missouri and St. Mary’s University, Halifax. He obtained his PhD from Queen’s University in Physics and Astronomy.