Prof. Dieter Kranzlmueller from LRZ will give a talk entitled “Smart Scaling for High Performance Computing: SuperMUC-NG at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre.” The event takes place Monday, June 4 at the University of Campania in Caserta, Italy.
High Performance Computing represents a competitive advantage for science and research, as it evolves over time and allows unprecedented levels of performance to attack computational problems. The German Smart Scaling initiative takes this idea further into the future by pushing the capability of systems towards exascale. The next supercomputer at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ), codename SuperMUC-NG, is on the trajectory to this ambitious goal, which can only be achieved if users needs are balanced with optimal usage of technology. It is interesting to note that – in contrast to other systems in that range – SuperMUC-NG will be a general purpose architecture, providing highest performance to a broad range of different applications. At the same time, energy efficiency measures such as hot water cooling are pushed across todays limits. Once SuperMUC-NG is available to its scientific users, we expect another substantial advancement for computational science.

The Supermuc-NG Supercomputer under installation at LRZ.
The SuperMUC-NG supercomputer will deliver a staggering 26.7 petaflop compute capacity powered by nearly 6,500 nodes of Lenovo’s recently-announced, next-generation ThinkSystem SD650 servers, featuring Intel Xeon Platinum processors with Intel Advanced Vector Extensions (Intel AVX 512), and interconnected with Intel Omni-Path Architecture. The new system will also include the integration of Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestrator (LiCO), a powerful management suite with an intuitive GUI that helps accelerate development of HPC and AI applications, as well as cloud-based components to empower LRZ researchers with the freedom to virtualize, process the vast amount of data sets and expediently share results with colleagues.
Dieter Kranzlmüller joined the Board of Directors at LRZ in 2008 and became a full professor of computer science at the Chair for Communication Systems and System Programming at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (LMU). His scientific focus lies in einfrastructures, including network and IT management, grid and cloud computing, as well as in high performance computing, virtual reality and visualisation. Kranzlmüller graduated from the Johannes Kepler University Linz. Having spent a number of years working in the IT industry, he returned to academia to work at the universities of Reading, TU Dresden, École Normale Supérieure Lyon, and to act as deputy director of the EGEE project at CERN in Geneva. He is truly internationally oriented and is a member of many European and international organizations in the field of IT.