Video: Benchmarking as the Answer to HPC Performance and Architecture Questions

In this video, Andrew Jones from NAG presents: Video: Benchmarking as the Answer to HPC Performance and Architecture Questions.

“This presentation offers an impartial look at benchmarking of HPC systems and is a must-see for anyone involved in high performance or scientific computing.”

Are you trying to address any of these three questions:

  • Which processor or system architecture is right for your HPC needs?
  • How fast does your code run and where to optimize it?
  • What do benchmarks really mean?

In this live webinar Andrew will answer these questions and discuss the topics below. There will be an opportunity to have your own questions answered, either during the session or post event.

Key topics:

  • When to use benchmarking
  • What benchmarks can and can’t tell you
  • Rules, consistency and pitfalls
  • Selecting the most appropriate benchmarks
  • Extrapolating to larger scales or newer technologies
  • Tips, tricks, and best practice

Andrew Jones is lead for strategic HPC services and consulting at NAG. NAG operates a HPC centre of excellence serving UK, USA and other countries. Andrew has over 20 years of experience in HPC, supercomputing and scientific computing in government, industry and academia. He has been an end-user of HPC technology in research, a software developer, a HPC service manager, involved with many acquisition and strategy projects. Andrew is an active member of the international HPC community. He can be found on twitter as @hpcnotes.

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