In this video from the Dell EMC HPC Community Meeting, David Holmes from Dell EMC describes how the company is bringing technical innovation to the Oil & Gas industry.
One of the things that we see from an HPC point of view is that, traditionally, energy companies who have thought about HPC as something that’s used in a relatively narrow set of workloads– it’s been used for processing seismic data and it’s been used to an extent for reservoir simulations. So they’re the traditional workloads for HPC and companies have traditionally used homogeneous traditional HPC systems. “I’ll take 1,000 loads of one of those, I’ll connect them all together, and I understand how it all works.”
“But the world is really changing, says Holmes. “Energy companies are realizing that they do not have homogeneous requirements for HPC and there are new workloads appearing all of the time. So things that traditionally were done on workstations are now being done inside the data center, either using VDI technology or using new forms of cloud-native applications where the computation and visualization happens inside the data center rather than on a workstation. It gives you a lot more flexibility for the workforce. It enables new forms of collaboration. And it allows oil companies to build asset teams that aren’t just located in one office. They could be around the world. It allows companies to make the best use of the resources that they have available. But it’s requiring companies to build a new breed of composable HPC systems which have a variety of different computational resources.”
We partner strongly with Intel and Nvidia and we take advantage of Intel Xeon scalable processors, Intel Xeon Phi processors, and Nvidia GPUs. And depending on the workloads, different computational requirements will run best on these different platforms. And we’re now able to help companies build this new breed of composable systems, which provide a broad set of resources that can be dynamically assigned to the different workloads that companies want to run.
David Holmes is CTO for Energy at Dell EMC. He .joined Dell in 2014 and is responsible for developing Dell EMC’s global Energy solutions and product positioning strategy in conjunction with the Brazil Research Centre and the Global CTO organization.
The next Dell EMC HPC Community Meeting takes place June 24 in Frankfurt at ISC 2018.