Porting HPC Codes with Directives and OpenACC

In this video from ISC 2018, Michael Wolfe from OpenACC.org describes how scientists can port their code to accelerated computing.

OpenACC is a user-driven directive-based performance-portable parallel programming model designed for scientists and engineers interested in porting their codes to a wide-variety of heterogeneous HPC hardware platforms and architectures with significantly less programming effort than required with a low-level model.

The OpenACC specification is designed for and by users. The OpenACC organization relies on users active participation to shape the specification and to educate the scientific community on its use. Each OpenACC user is an important part of the community and encouraged to take an active role in influencing the future of both the OpenACC specification and the organization itself. Every member of the OpenACC Community can join the OpenACC User Group to participate in discussions, events, and other OpenACC user activities as well as become an OpenACC Champion to actively drive OpenACC education and research.

Michael Wolfe is the Technical Committee Chair at OpenACC.org. He has developed compilers and languages for parallel and high performance computing for over 40 years in both academia and industry. He is now a PGI compiler engineer at NVIDIA.

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  1. Michael Wolfe says

    I guess the video was so bad you didn’t even post it.