Preliminary Agenda Posted for October HPC User Forum in Stuttgart

Steve Conway and Earl Joseph of Hyperion Research

The October HPC User Forum at HLRS Will Showcase HPC Europe. The event takes place Oct. 1-2, 2018 in Stuttgart, Germany.

Key topics will be HPC in Germany, HPC in Europe, automated driving systems and urban AI uses, plus an update on quantum computing and other emerging technologies. The Cannstatter Volksfest, Stuttgart’s terrific Oktoberfest, will be open for those who want to arrive early, stay late or enjoy the festivities in the evening. Registration will be available soon at We look forward to seeing you in Stuttgart.

Preliminary Agenda

Monday, Oct. 1

13:00 Welcome/Introductions Michael Resch and Bastian Koller, HLRS; Paul Muzio, Earl Joseph and Steve Conway
13:15 Welcome, Peter Castellaz, Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Art
13:30 HPC and Quantum Technologies in Europe, Gustav Kalbe, European Commission
14:00 Update on Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS), Michael Resch
14:15 Update on Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (LRZ), Dieter Kranzlmüller
14:30 Update on Jülich Supercomputing Centre (FZJ), Thomas Lippert
14:45 Update on HLRS, Michael Resch
15:00 Break
15:30 Vendor Technical/Strategy Update
15:45 The European Processor Initiative, Jean-Marc Denis, Chair, EPI
16:15 Digitalization at MB Car Research and Development, Juergen Kohler, Daimler
16:45 Update on the Fortissimo Project, Mark Parsons, EPCC
17:15 After-Meeting Socializing

Tuesday, Oct. 2

9:00 Welcome/Logistics/ IDC HPC Market Update, Earl Joseph & Steve Conway
9:15 Hyperion Research Findings: HPDA-AI and Quantum Computing, Earl Joseph, Steve Conway, Bob Sorensen, Alex Norton
9:30 Perspective on the HPC Community, Michael Resch, HLRS/University of Stuttgart
10:00 Vendor Technical/Strategy Update
10:30 Break
11:00 Automated Driving and AI in Urban Environments – Recap of September Meeting, Paul Muzio, Steve Finn, HPC User Forum Steering Committee
11:30 Talk [Invited]
12:00 Talk [Invited]
12:30 Meeting wrap up and plans for future HPC User Forum meetings, Earl Joseph, Steve Conway
12:45 Meeting ends

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