Tutorial: “How to use Jupyter Notebooks”

In this video from the Blue Waters Symposium, Roland Haas from NCSA presents: Tutorial: How to use Jupyter Notebooks.

Jupyter notebooks provide a web-based interface to Python, R, Julia and other languages. They allow code, code output, and documentation to be mixed in a single document making it possible to contain self-documented workflows. Focusing on Python I will show how to use Jupyter notebooks on Blue Waters to explore data, produce plots and analyze simulation output using numpy, matplotlib and time permitting, yt. I will show how to use notebooks on login nodes and on compute nodes as well as, time permitting, how to use parallelism inside of Jupyter notebooks.

Roland Haas is a Senior Research Programmer at NCSA.

My current research focuses on the simulation of gravitational waves generated during the inspiral of both comparable mass (black hole—neutron star) and extreme mass-ratio (black hole—white dwarf and supermassive black hole—stellar mass object) binaries as well as possible electromagnetic signatures of these events. In particular the inspiral and merger of neutron star binaries. With the advent of ground based gravitational wave detectors such as LIGOVIRGO for the first time, directly directing gravitational waves is possible. This will allow us to probe the strong field regime of gravity, verifying the predictions of General Relativity and to “see” into astrophysical systems that are opaque or invisible to electromagnetic radiation. Extracting these signal from the data stream requires templates to filter the signal out of the noise detector output. My work aims at producing numerical waveforms which are used to produce template data banks for this waveform extraction. If observed the gravitational waves generated by a neutron star—neutron star merger will shed light on the nuclear equation of state (and thus microphysics) of nuclear matter.

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