In this video, researchers use NERSC supercomputers to discover new battery materials.
The DOE’s InnovationXLab Energy Storage Summit took place September 18-19, 2018 at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in Silicon Valley. Energy storage is one of the biggest challenges to unlocking the potential from the next generation of transportation and electricity grid technologies. The Summit will showcase the broad array of technical resources available from across DOE’s National Lab complex that can be leveraged by industry to address these challenges.
The purpose of the InnovationXLab Initiative and the associated Summits are to convene key industry representatives in a particular energy related technology to showcase the strong technical resources and capabilities resident in the 17 Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories and how they can be used by private companies, investors, universities and other organizations as a source of innovation.
Summit Highlights:
- Discussion of industry energy storage technology and resource requirements
- The latest technology innovations from the Department of Energy’s National Laboratories
- New programs or initiatives that provide opportunities to collaborate with the National Laboratories
- Types of business agreements and authorities for engaging with the National Laboratories
- Showcase companies that have successful partnerships with the National Laboratories
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