1 Petaflop ROMEO Supercomputer Comes to Reims from Atos

Today the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne dedicated their new ROMEO supercomputer. A BullSequana X1000 model from Atos, ROMEO is ranked amongst the most-powerful supercomputers worldwide

We are very proud of the launch of this supercomputer at the University Centre of Champagne Ardennes” says Pierre Barnabé, Chief Operating Officer, Big Data & Security at Atos. “This installation confirms the strategic engagement of the Atos Group in R&D in scientific computing. The BullSequana supercomputer brings a level of power that is needed by the digital simulation projects of the University and it also offers the necessary functionalities for the convergence of Artificial Intelligence and scientific computing, which the URCA requested.”

With a peak performance of 1 petaflop/s (a million billion operations per second), equipped with some of the most powerful processors on the market and the latest Telsa graphic processors from NVIDIA, this supercomputer provides an architecture which brings together digital simulation with Artificial Intelligence.

The supercomputer uses Atos’ BXI (Bull eXascale Interconnect) which offers performance, scalability, efficiency, reliability and quality of service for extreme workloads. It will enable both academic organisations and industry players to take advantage of a vast computing power for their digital simulation projects and to develop applications using the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence and high-performance data analytics.

Built on the foundations of our longstanding partnership with the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, the new supercomputer ROMEO will enable researchers to shape the world of tomorrow using high-performance computing and AI,” says Jaap Zuiderveld, VP Europe at NVIDIA. “The ROMEO installation is complemented by URCA’s new master CHPS and the courses at the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute offered at the University, which will enable a new generation of AI researchers to prosper.”

ROMEO is a real opportunity to innovative locally. The supercomputer is already being used by academic and industry researchers, who are using this supercomputer in areas of agriculture, banking and the automobile sector.

This new supercomputer is positioned at the heart of the digital Sciences and Engineering Division developed by our university. Thanks to the high-performance computing and simulation, this supercomputer enables us to achieve results, which were unimaginable a few years ago. ROMEO now is part of solving complex problems in the fields of Industry 4.0, bio-economy, energy, climate, health, materials and technological transformations by associating academic and industrial research ». said Guillaume Garraway, president of the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne.

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