Hewlett Packard Enterprise has posted their Agenda for HP-CAST once again this year at SC18. The event takes place Nov. 9-10 in Dallas.
The High Performance Consortium for Advanced Scientific and Technical (HP-CAST) computing users group works to increase the capabilities of Hewlett Packard Enterprise solutions for large-scale scientific and technical computing. HP-CAST provides guidance to Hewlett Packard Enterprise on the essential development and support issues for such systems. HP-CAST meetings typically include corporate briefings and presentations by HPE executives, technical staff, and HPE partners (under NDA), and discussions of customer issues related to high-performance computing.
- Trish Damkroger, Intel
- Nigel Barry, Airbus
- Steve Simms, Indiana University
- Dr. Nick Nystrom, PSC
- Brent Gorda, ARM
- Peter Jones, WhamCloud
- Dr James Coomer, DDN
- Dr. Ben Bennett, HPE
- Bill Mannel, HPE
- Mike Vildibill, HPE
- Craig Yamasaki, HPE
- Dr Sorin Cheran, HPE
- Jean-Luc Assor, HPE
- Dr. Eng Lim Goh, HPE
- Dr. Nic Dube, HPE
- Mark Seager, Intel
- Dave Holderbein, NVIDIA
- Liran Zvibel, WekaIO
- Dr Franz-Joseph Preundt, Fraunhofer
- Sanjeet Singh, SUSE
- Mark Seamans, HPE
- Johann Lombardi, Intel
- Matt Starr, Spectralogic