SC18 Exhibits Selling Out

Today SC18 announced record exhibit sales for the conference, which takes place Nov. 11-16 in Dallas.

We are thrilled that so many new companies will be exhibiting at SC18,” says Christy Adkinson, SC18 Exhibits Chair from Cray. “Both attendees and exhibitors recognize that SC is the place to be if you are involved in the HPC community.”

SC18 has already reached an all-time record high quantity of participating exhibitors at 375. In addition, there will be more first-time exhibitors than at any other previous SC conference. Exhibitors will share 27 technical presentations as part of the cutting-edge Exhibitor Forum sessions

She further elaborated that the new Start-up Pavilion already has 13 participating companies and should be an exciting addition.  It provides companies still in their early stages to still have a presence for a reasonable cost and get valuable feedback on their initiatives. Plus, complimentary coffee will be offered there at various time during exhibit hours.

Click here for a list of participating companies.  If your organization is interested in exhibiting at SC18, click here.