Call For Participation: OpenFabrics Workshop

Today OFA issued their Call for Sessions for the annual OpenFabrics Alliance Workshop 2019. The event takes place March 19-21 in Austin, Texas.

The Call for Sessions is now open, creating opportunities for collaboration among industry experts and thought leaders to accelerate the development and adoption of advanced fabrics. Session proposals are being solicited in any area related to high performance networks and networking software, with a special emphasis on the themes for this year’s Workshop. The Workshop places a high value on collaboration and communication among participants. In keeping with the theme of collaboration, proposals for Birds of a Feather sessions and Panels are particularly encouraged.

The 2019 OFA Workshop will focus on the following overarching themes:

Administration, Management and Deployment

  • Fabric technology
  • Traffic policy, engineering and control
  • Diverse fabrics

The OFA and the Open Community

  • OSs and I/O subsystem support
  • Security, namespaces
  • File systems, protocols, DAX


  • Goals
  • Objective
  • Methods

Remote Persistent Memory

  • Programming interfaces
  • Protocols
  • Devices

Submissions are due January 18, 2019.

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