Jobs of the Week: Software and Hardware Architects at the University of Southern Denmark

The University of Southern Denmark is seeking Software and Hardware Architects in our Jobs of the Week.

The eScience Center at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), develops and operates large-scale e-Infrastructures dedicated to research in all fields, such as the Danish National Supercomputing Facility (DeIC National HPC centre, SDU). Our mission is to support research by the development and provision of advanced ICT infrastructure, services and expertise. We provide services and expertise in the areas of HPC, Cloud Services, Data Services and e-science. We support large research, educational and government institutions, as well as the business community. We address stimulating and interesting technological challenges, and offer a research-like environment where we encourage the study of innovative solutions. We firmly believe in open-source and web technology as means to reach our goals.

The eScience Center is now expanding its staff in all its core areas. We expect to fill 2 positions with this call.

Job description:
We seek experts in the following areas:

  • High Performance Computing (hardware and software)
  • Storage infrastructure
  • Cloud computing and storage architectures
  • Database systems
  • Big Data analytics
  • Systems development
  • Full stack web development
  • Continuous development and integration
  • Linux system administration
  • Data management
  • Research user support

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