Video: Accenture Engineering Compute takes HPC to the Enterprise

In this video from SC18 in Dallas, Prasad Rampalli describes how Accenture is taking HPC to the Enterprise.

The Accenture Engineering Compute (AEC) digital platform is a first mover in the industry with a highly differentiated AIML/analytics based Job-resource prediction and orchestration engine to ensure the most efficient placement of HPC workloads on-prem or in the cloud. The solution delivers dramatic gains in capital equipment utilization (~2x) , job throughput (~30%) and business agility with automated cloud bursting for HPC/Grid computing environments. It also includes fine-grain demand-capacity planning and an optimized data center rack & storage design as part of the integrated software offering. The platform is fully extensible to varied grid scheduling environments and typically demonstrates results within 180 days from the on-set of a POC. Dense compute clusters ranging from 10,000- 60,000 nodes can potentially realize ~ $20m – $100+m in capx savings over 3 years. This solution is being successfully deployed across one of the largest and most complex global grid environments for a leading semiconductor company with others in value assessment/POC discussions.”

See our complete coverage of SC18 in Dallas

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