Welcome to the 2019 OpenFabrics Workshop Video Gallery
The OpenFabrics Alliance (OFA) is committed to accelerating the development of high performance fabrics. The annual OFA Workshop, returning this year to Austin, TX, is a premier means of fostering collaboration among those who develop fabrics, deploy fabrics, and create applications that rely on fabrics. It is the only event of its kind where fabric developers and users can discuss emerging fabric technologies, collaborate on future industry requirements, and address problems that exist today.
Workshop Opening and State of Our Union, Paul Grun, OpenFabrics Alliance * Video
HPNL: A High-Performance Light Weight Network Library for Big Data Application, Jian Zhang, Intel * Video
NCCL and Libfabric: High-Performance Networking for Machine Learning, Brian Barrett, Amazon * Video
Evaluation of Hardware-Based MPI Acceleration on Astra, Michael Aguilar, Sandia National Laboratories * Video
Designing High Performance MPI Collectives in MVAPICH2 for HPC and Deep Learning. Hari Subramoni, The Ohio State University * Video
RDMA Tutorial 1, Doug Ledford, OpenFabrics Alliance
In Network Computing, Tomislav Janjusic, Ph.D, Mellanox Technologies * Video
Accelerating TensorFlow with RDMA for High-Performance Deep Learning, Xiaoyi Lu, The Ohio State University * Video
RDMA Tutorial, Doug Ledford, OpenFabrics Alliance * Video
HPC Networking in the Real World, Jesse Martinez, Los Alamos National Laboratory * Video
NVMe over Fabrics Scale-Out Management, Phil Cayton, Intel Corp. * Video
Visualize and Analyze Your Network Monitoring Enhancements, Hari Subramoni, The Ohio State University * Video
High Speed Networking Monitoring Enhancements, Brett Holman, Los Alamos National Laboratory * Video
Debug and Diagnostics, Jason Gunthorpe, Mellanox Technologies * Video
Faster Fabrics Running Against Limits of the Operating System, The Processor and the I/O Bus, Christopher Lameter, Jump Trading, LLC * Video
NVMe Over Fabrics Offload, Tzahi Oved, Mellanox Technologies * Video
Amazon Elastic Fabric Adapter: Anatomy, Capabilities, and the Road Ahead, Raghu Raja, Amazon * Video
RDMA Tutorial, Doug Ledford, OpenFabrics Alliance
Enabling Applications to Exploit SmartNICs and FPGAs, Sean Hefty, Intel Corp.; Venkata Krishnan, Intel Corp. * Video
An Overview of OFI Utility Providers: Implementation and Uses, Alexia Ingerson, Intel Corp. * Video
RDMA Tutorial, Doug Ledford, OpenFabrics Alliance
Experiences with Libfabrics,Harold Cook, LightFleet * Video
RDMA Persistent Memory Extensions, Tom Talpey, Microsoft * Video
A Data Store for Resource Efficient Serverless Computing, Bernard Metzler, IBM * Video
Characteristics of Remote Persistent Memory – Performance, Capacity, or Locality. Which One(s)? Paul Grun, Cray * Video
Scalable, Resilient, and Distributed Key-Value Store-Based Data Management over RDMA Networks, Xiaoyi Lu, The Ohio State University * Video
Driving the Interop Program into the Future, Paul Grun, Cray; Tatyana Nikolova, Intel Corp. * Video
To HDR and Beyond, Ariel Almog, Mellanox Technologies * Video
Realworld High Performance Networking Advantages, Comparison and Challenges in the Financial Markets, Indika Prasad Kumara Induruwage Don and Sampath Tilakumara, Millennium IT Software (Private) Limited / LSEG Technology * Video
BoF: Libfabrics and HPC Runtime Systems, Yanfei Guo, Argonne National Lab