Juwels system at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre
Today the Jülich Supercomputing Centre in Germany announced 32.4 million euros in funding for continued research into such diverse areas as quantum computing and neuromorphic computing.
With the new JUWELS system, the research center has a supercomputer that is one of the fastest in the world. Already sought after by researchers from all over Europe, the supercomputer is even used for simulations in brain research, such as the European Human Brain Project.
For several decades, the research center, together with its national partners in the Gauss Center for Supercomputing, has been a world leader in the fields of high-performance computing, simulation and modeling and the development of information technologies of the future. Currently, the Jülich researchers’ particular aim is to develop completely new types of computers: neuromorphic computers whose architecture is based on the functions of the human brain and which are expected to result in enormous performance improvements in image processing and machine learning, as well as quantum computers provide access to previously unsolvable scientific and technical problems.
With this federal and state funding in the fields of high-performance computing for simulation and data analysis, quantum computing and neuromorphic computing, new scientific institutes and working groups with more than 100 additional scientists will be set up in the medium term, and new experimental and user platforms for quantum computing are planned , In addition to the further development of the subject areas, the aim is to gain outstanding scientific talent for the research center.
In this time-lapse video, engineers at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre begin building the new JUWELS supercomputer.
Jülich’s brain researchers headed by Prof. Katrin Amunts, Director of the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM), are already working together with an international technology company in the field of machine learning. Together, they want to realize the detailed digital mapping of the structure and function of the human brain – a project which, in addition to its use in clinical practice, also provides valuable information for neuroinspired computing technologies. Jülich also wants to develop into a leading location in the field of quantum computing. For example, a team of scientists headed by Prof. Kristel Michielsen from the Jülich Supercomputing Center (JSC) has succeeded in simulating a quantum computer with 48 quantum bits using supercomputers. This is the current world record.
These investments will be used to explore technologies that will make ground-breaking discoveries in science and society, such as a comprehensive understanding of the structure and function of the human brain, or the simulation of drugs against common diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s In the Land, Forschungszentrum Jülich intends to make an important contribution to researching and making use of these technologies, which are of outstanding importance for the research and business location Germany, “says Prof. Wolfgang Marquardt, CEO of Forschungszentrum Jülich.