ISC 2019 Announces Lineup for Student Cluster Competition

The ISC 2019 conference has announced the teams that will compete in their Student Cluster Competition. The annual event takes place June 16-20 in Frankfurt, Germany.

Now in its eighth year, the ISC HPCAI Advisory Council Student Cluster Competition enables international STEM teams to take part in a real-time contest focused on advancing STEM disciplines and HPC skills development. To take home top honors, twelve teams will have the opportunity to showcase systems of their own design, adhering to strict power constraints and achieve the highest performance across a series of standard HPC benchmarks and applications.

ISC High Performance and the HPCAI Advisory Council recently announced the names of eleven teams that have qualified to enter the ISC 2019 competition. Here is the current list of teams:

  1. Nanyang Technological University
  2. ETH Zurich
  3. EPCC at University of Edinburgh
  4. The University of Tartu
  5. University of Warsaw
  6. University of Massachusetts
  7. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  8. National Cheng Kung University
  9. University of Heidelberg
  10. University of Hamburg
  11. Tsinghua University
  12. Centre for High Performance Computing

Showcased at the conference’s closing plenary session, the intense three-day competition will culminate in front of thousands of conference attendees. Students will take center stage, alongside HPC luminaries, for a live ceremony to award and recognize each of the participating teams.

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