Amazon Elastic Fabric Adapter: Anatomy, Capabilities, and the Road Ahead

Raghu Raja from Amazon

In this video from the 2019 OpenFabrics Workshop in Austin, Raghu Raja from Amazon presents: Amazon Elastic Fabric Adapter: Anatomy, Capabilities, and the Road Ahead.

Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) is the recently announced HPC networking offering from Amazon for EC2 instances. It allows applications such as MPI to communicate using the Scalable Reliable Datagram (SRD) protocol that provides connectionless and unordered messaging services directly in userspace, bypassing both the operating system kernel and the Virtual Machine hypervisor. This talk presents the designs, capabilities, and an early performance characterization of the userspace and kernel components of the EFA software stack. This includes the open-source EFA libfabric provider, the generic RDM-over-RDM (RxR) utility provider that extends the capabilities of EFA, and the device driver itself. The talk will also discuss some of Amazon’s recent contributions to libfabric core and future plans.”

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