Call for Submissions: HPC Innovation Excellence Awards

Today Hyperion Research today invited members of the worldwide high performance computing community to submit entries for the next round of HPC Innovation Excellence Awards. Awards will be presented during Hyperion Research’s popular HPC market update breakfast at ISC 2019 in Frankfurt, Germany.

The HPC Innovation Excellence Award recognizes noteworthy achievements by users of high performance computing (HPC) technologies,” said Alex Norton, Hyperion Research research analyst. “The program’s main goals are to showcase scientific success stories and return on investment (ROI) successes involving HPC; to help other users better understand the benefits of adopting HPC and justify HPC investments; to demonstrate the value of HPC to funding bodies and politicians; and to expand public support for increased HPC investments.”

Hyperion Research welcomes award entries from anywhere in the world. The submission form should be completed by the candidate project’s principal investigator or other project leader. Submissions are evaluated by the HPC User Forum Steering Committee, a volunteer, international group representing HPC user organizations in government, industry and academia.


  • All qualifying submissions will be given awards (there isn’t a limit on the number of awards given)
  • Submissions may describe incremental or breakthrough achievements made possible with the help of HPC resources
  • Submissions must describe the scientific or financial value of the achievement
  • Achievements based on upgrading HPC resources, such as improving performance or energy-efficiency thanks to acquiring faster/more efficient processors or other improvements to data centers do not qualify

Winners of the awards since 2011 have come from throughout the world and include, among many others, Alenia Aermacchi (Italy), Argonne National Laboratory (U.S.), ALYA RED (Spain), Aon Benfield Securities (Canada), Beijing Genomics Institute (China), CDAC (India), Chidren’s Mercy Hospitals (U.S.), DOD HPCMP (U.S.), EPCC (UK), Facebook (U.S.), Ford (U.S.), GE (U.S.), HydrOcean/Ecole Centrale Nantes (France), KISTI (S. Korea), M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (U.S.), NASA (U.S.), ORNL (U.S.), PayPal (U.S.), Pipistrel (Slovenia), Procter & Gamble (U.S.), Rolls Royce (UK), Sardina Systems (Estonia), St. Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research (Australia).

In related news, the next HPC User Forum takes place April 1-3 in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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