Video: A Fast, Scaleable HPC Engine for Data Ingest

In this video from the 2019 Stanford HPC Conference, David Wade from Integral Engineering presents: A Fast, Scale-able HPC Engine for Data Ingest.

In this talk, a design is sketched for an engine to ingest data from the IOT massively into a cluster for analysis, storage and transformation using COTS methods from High Performance Computing techniques in hardware and software.”

David Wade has been a pioneer in High Performance Computing, Engineering and Science for over 30 years – from contributing to the design of Unitree Hierarchical Storage Management File System at San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) to architecting Santa Monica City College’s sophisticated and numerically accurate financial auditing system that was critical to the college’s funding and savings of more than a quarter million dollars per semester.

Currently Director of HPC, David has extensive expertise in parallel file systems and multi-core architectures and has ported and/or parallelized dozens of numerical and systems codes. Prior to joining Integral Engineering David worked at General Atomics for over twenty years where he was responsible for HPC, CFD and FEA engineering efforts.

A corporate Engineering and Scientific Computing visionary, David introduced the UNIX operating system into GA along with one of the first production clusters in commercial industry – linking 8 heterogeneous Unix systems and using Message Passing to demonstrate a program running in parallel. As system and software lead, he architected and managed GA’s Lynx Synthetic Aperture Radar project from inception; led HPC/CFD engineering for the company’s Predator line of Unmanned Airborne Vehicles and provided consulting, administration and computational support for the company’s Bio Tech; Electro Magnetic Weapons Research; Fusion and Fission Energy and Transportation operating groups. In addition to architecting the company’s HPC systems and training programs to support its engineering groups, David raised $3M of internal funding and built the company’s CFD/FEA and numerical computational lab that’s credited with revenues exceeding $30M, a 10X ROI.

Before joining the La Jolla-based company in 1992, David served as VP/CTO for an engineering startup in Los Angeles and led numerous project management and software engineering teams for a variety of companies. Educated at SDSU, Cal Tech, UCLA and UCSD by instructors that included Theodor Geisel, Kip Thorne, Robert Leighton, Richard Feynman and Jef Raskin. David received his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from California State University at Dominguez Hills.

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