Agenda Posted: Forum Teratec in France

The Forum Teratec in France has posted their speaker agenda. With over 1300 attendees, the event takes place June 11-12 in Palaiseau.

The Forum Teratec is the premier international meeting for all players in HPC, Simulation, Big Data and Machine Learning (AI). It is a unique place of exchange and sharing for professionals in the sector. Come and discover the innovations that will revolutionize practices in industry and in many other fields of activity.

The Teratec Forum comprises Plenary Sessions, Technical and Application Workshops, and an Exhibition that will host more than sixty major players in industry and new technologies, as well as innovative start-ups. For 2019, the Forum will also spotlight the latest developments of the EuroHPC initiative.

Plenary speakers include:

  • Philippe VARIN – President of France Industrie
  • Jean-Yves LE GALL – President of CNES
  • Matthias TRAUB – BMW AG
  • Mustapha EL-BOUCHOUAFI – Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence
  • This 15th edition will take place under the leadership of Daniel WERWAERDE, Teratec’s new president.

Other highlights include:

  • Roundtable discussions on Technology serving Healthcare and Autonomous Systems.
  • Simulation and Digital Technologies Trophies

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