Arm A64fx and Post-K: A Game-Changing CPU & Supercomputer

In this video from the HPC User Forum, Satoshi Matsuoka from RIKEN presents: Arm A64fx and Post-K: Game-Changing CPU & Supercomputer for HPC and its Convergence with Big Data / AI.

With rapid rise and increase of Big Data and AI as a new breed of high-performance workloads on supercomputers, we need to accommodate them at scale, and thus the need for R&D for HW and SW Infrastructures where traditional simulation-based HPC and BD/AI would converge, in a BYTES-oriented fashion. Post-K is the flagship next generation national supercomputer being developed by Riken and Fujitsu in collaboration. Post-K will have hyperscale class resource in one exascale machine, with well more than 100,000 nodes of sever-class A64fx many-core Arm CPUs, realized through extensive co-design process involving the entire Japanese HPC community.

Rather than to focus on double precision flops that are of lesser utility, rather Post-K, especially its Arm64fx processor and the Tofu-D network is designed to sustain extreme bandwidth on realistic applications including those for oil and gas, such as seismic wave propagation, CFD, as well as structural codes, besting its rivals by several factors in measured performance. Post-K is slated to perform 100 times faster on some key applications c.f. its predecessor, the K-Computer, but also will likely to be the premier big data and AI/ML infrastructure. Currently, we are conducting research to scale deep learning to more than 100,000 nodes on Post-K, where we would obtain near top GPU-class performance on each node.”

Satoshi Matsuoka is the director of Riken R-CCS, the top-tier HPC center that represents HPC in Japan, currently hosting the K Computer and developing the next generation Arm-based “exascale” Post-K machine, along with multitudes of ongoing cutting edge HPC research being conducted, including investigating convergence of HPC and Big Data/AI as well as Post-Moore era computing. He was the leader of the TSUBAME series of supercomputers at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, where he still holds a Professor position, to continue his research activities in HPC as well as scalable Big Data and AI. His commendations include the ACM Gordon Bell Prize in 2011 and the IEEE Sidney Fernbach Award in 2014, both being the highest awards in the field of HPC, as well as being the Program Chair for IEEE/ACM Supercomputing 2013, the top conference in the area of HPC, and the ACM Gordon Bell Prize selection chair for 2018.

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