Agenda Posted for PASC19 in Zurich

PASC19 has posted its Full Conference Program. The event takes place June 12-14 in Zurich, Switzerland.

PASC19 is the sixth edition of the PASC Conference series, an international platform for the exchange of competences in scientific computing and computational science, with a strong focus on methods, tools, algorithms, application challenges, and novel techniques and usage of high performance computing.

PASC19 is co-sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the PASC structuring project. The conference is managed by the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS). The local host of PASC19 is ETH Zurich, one of the two Federal Institutes of Technology in Switzerland coordinated by swissuniversities.

Keynote Presentations:

Dr. Keren Bergman from Columbia University

Flexibly Scalable High Performance Architectures with Embedded Photonics, Keren Bergman, Columbia University.

“Computing systems are critically challenged to meet the performance demands of applications particularly driven by the explosive growth in data analytics. Data movement, dominated by energy costs and limited ‘chip-escape’ bandwidth densities, is a key physical layer roadblock to these systems’ scalability. Integrated silicon photonics with deeply embedded optical connectivity is on the cusp of enabling revolutionary data movement and extreme performance capabilities. Beyond alleviating the bandwidth/energy bottlenecks, embedded photonics can enable new disaggregated architectures that leverage the distance independence of optical transmission. We will discuss how the envisioned modular system interconnected by a unified photonic fabric can be flexibly composed to create custom architectures tailored for specific applications.”

Dan Jacobson from ORNL

Investigating Epistatic and Pleiotropic Genetic Architectures in Bioenergy and Human Health, Dan Jacobson, ORNL.

“The new CoMet application consists of implementations of the 2-way and 3-way Proportional Similarity metric and Custom Correlation Coefficient using native or adapted GEMM kernels optimized for GPU architectures, and received the 2018 Gordon Bell Prize. Nearly 300 quadrillion element comparisons per second and over 2.3 mixed precision ExaOps are reached on Summit by use of Tensor Core hardware on the Nvidia Volta GPUs. These similarity metrics form the major parts of largescale Genome-Wide Epistasis Studies (GWES) and pleiotropy studies. These efforts seek to identify genetic variants that contribute to individual phenotypes, including susceptibility (or robustness) to disease. We are using CoMet to investigate the genetic architectures underlying complex traits in applications from bioenergy to human clinical genomics.

Liu Yu from Inspur

Large-Scale Optimization Strategies for Typical HPC Workloads, Yu Liu, Inspur.

“Ensuring performance of applications running on large-scale clusters is one of the primary focuses in HPC research. In this talk, we will show our strategies for performance analysis and optimization of applications in various fields of research using large-scale HPC clusters. Our strategies are designed to comprehensively analyze runtime features of applications, parallelization strategies of physical models, algorithmic implementations, and other technical details. These three levels of strategy cover platform optimization, technological innovation, and model innovation, and targeted optimization based on these features. State-of-the-art CPU instructions, network communication patterns, and innovative parallel strategies have been optimized for various applications.”

Thierry Poinsot, Toulouse Fluid Mechanics Institute

High Performance Computing for Instabilities in Aerospace Propulsion Systems, Thierry Poinsot, Toulouse Fluid Mechanics Institute.

Combustion produces more than 80 percent of the world’s energy. This will continue for a long time as the global energy growth remains much larger than what new renewable energies can provide. Our civilization must allow the growth of combustion sources but, at the same time, keep global warming as well as pollution under control. Science has a key role in this scenario: it must optimize combustion systems far beyond the present state of the art. To do this, one promising path is to use High Performance Computation to compute and optimize combustors before they are built. This talk focuses on aerospace propulsion where optimization often leads to the occurrence of instabilities where combustion couples with acoustics, leading to unacceptable oscillations (the most famous example is the Apollo engine which required 1330 full scale tests to reach acceptable oscillation levels). The talk will show how simulation is used to control these problems, in real gas turbine engines and in rocket engines.”

Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche from Microsoft Research

Microsoft Optics for the Cloud – A New Approach to Data Centre Technology, Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche, Microsoft Research.

“New hardware technology such as rack-scale computers (RSCs) are redefining the landscape of data center computing today, achieving both higher bandwidth and lower latency. As a basic building block of a redesigned stack of hardware, OS, storage and network, such infrastructure is increasingly suitable for HPC workloads. However, most of today’s data center technology was designed or conceived in the era before the cloud existed. Many of the technologies represent compromises, encumbered by legacy thinking. At Microsoft Research Cambridge, we are exploring optical technologies across the three primary resources, networking, storage, and compute.
In this talk, we will outline the future challenges in the data center and discuss the limitations of current technology. We will take a holistic end-to-end view of the needs of the cloud and present our work on optical networking and storage.”

Be sure to Register for PASC19 before the May 26 deadline.

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