Call for Workshops: HiPEAC 2020 in Bologna

The HiPEAC 2020 conference has issued its Call for Workshops. The event takes place January 20-22, 2020 in Bologna, Italy.

The HiPEAC conference is the meeting place for computing systems researchers in Europe. Put your research on the map with a paper presentation and get your paper published in the open access journal ACM TACO: Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization.

The HiPEAC conference is the premier European forum for experts in computer architecture, programming models, compilers and operating systems for embedded and general-purpose systems.

The success of the workshops and tutorials of the previous years’ HiPEAC Conferences with more than 35 events each encouraged the HiPEAC 2020 organizers to try following this success story again.

Proposals for workshops and tutorials covering at least one of the following topics are welcome:

  • High performance computer architecture: processor architecture, multi-/many-core system design, reconfigurable architectures.
  • Software development for high performance parallel systems: development patterns/automatic techniques for parallel and reconfigurable architectures.
  • Tools for compilation, evaluation, optimization as well as synthesis of high performance parallel systems: compiler support, tracing, and debugging for parallel and reconfigurable architectures, high-level synthesis.
  • Embedded (parallel) computer architectures: embedded homogeneous and heterogeneous multicore architectures, embedded reconfigurable architectures, embedded real-time systems, mixed criticality system support, dependable systems.
  • Software support for embedded architectures: tracing and real-time analysis of embedded applications, runtime software.
  • (Real-Time) Operating and runtime systems for embedded parallel computer architectures.
  • Crazy architectural ideas: any idea to solve computational problems away from the conventional concepts.
  • Low-Power Solutions: Software, Runtime, Compilation, Hardware, Error-Aware Computation, Sub-Threshold operation, Approximate Computing, Reversible Computing.
  • Future Scalable Memory Architectures: Processing-In-Memory, Near-Memory Computing, Intelligent Memory, etc.
  • Green Data Centers / Microserver: System architecture, Software tools.
  • Cloud, Fog, and Edge Computing: Architectures, Systems, Tools, Evaluation, Applications, Benchmarking.

The three-day event attracts over 500 delegates each year with workshops, tutorials, special sessions, several large poster sessions, and an industrial exhibition will run in parallel with the conference.

Submissions are due June 30, 2019.

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