In this video from the GPU Technology Conference, Jeff Candy and Igor Sfiligoi from General Atomics present: Advancing Fusion Science with CGYRO using GPU-based Leadership Systems.
Learn about the science of magnetically confined plasmas to develop the predictive capability needed for a sustainable fusion energy source. Gyrokinetic simulations are one of the most useful tools for understanding fusion science. We’ll explain the CGYRO code, built by researchers at General Atomics to effectively and efficiently simulate plasma evolution over multiple scales that range from electrons to heavy ions. Fusion plasma simulations are compute- and memory-intensive and usually run on leadership-class, GPU-Accelerated HPC systems like Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Titan and Summit. We’ll explain how we designed and implemented CGYRO to make good use of the tens of thousands of GPUs on such systems, which provide simulations that bring us closer to fusion as an abundant clean energy source. We’ll also share benchmarking results of both CPU- and GPU-Based systems.”
General Atomics is a key partner in ITER — one of the largest scientific programs in history — which seeks to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion power, a potentially limitless source of clean energy. The ITER facility is currently being constructed in France by a consortium of 35 nations. GA is manufacturing major components for this worldwide initiative, including diagnostics systems and the Central Solenoid, the world’s largest pulsed superconducting electromagnet.
GA’s Theory and Computational Science program advances the fundamental theoretical understanding of fusion plasmas through development and application of industry-leading computer simulations. The theory program works with DIII-D to validate models and simulations against robust experimental data.