John West from TACC Elected Chair of SIGHPC

John West is Director of Strategic Initiatives at TACC and Chair of SIGHPC.

John West from TACC is the newly elected Chair of SIGHPCSIGHPC is the first international group within a major professional society that is devoted exclusively to the needs of students, faculty, researchers, and practitioners in high performance computing. SIGHPC’s mission is to help spread the use of HPC, help raise the standards of the profession, and help ensure a rich and rewarding career for people involved in the field.

Our mission is to help spread the use of HPC, help raise the standards of the profession, and help ensure a rich and rewarding career for people involved in the field. The HPC community includes an incredibly wide range of individuals and organizations engaged in studying, developing, teaching, and supporting high performance computers, storage, networking, and software. It also encompasses those who are working to apply HPC across a broad spectrum of scientific, engineering, and business domains.

John West joined TACC in December 2014. As the Director of Strategic Initiatives he is involved in identifying new communities that can benefit from advanced computing and the technologies developed by TACC. Prior to joining TACC he held a number of roles in private industry and the federal government, including most recently as Director of the Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program. He is also the founder of insideHPC, which he sold to Rich Brueckner in 2010.

2019 SIGHPC Election results:

John West
Texas Advanced Computing Center

Ron Perrott
University of Oxford

Christine Elizabeth Harvey
The MITRE Corporation

At-Large Member
Torsten Hoefler
ETH Zurich

Michela Taufer
University of Tennessee, Knoxville

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