Check out the photo gallery from ISC 2019.
In this video, Michael Feldman of The Next Platform and Florina Ciorba of University of Basel look back on ISC 2019.
ISC 2019 brought together 3,573 HPC practitioners and enthusiasts interested in high performance computing, storage, networking, and AI. The theme of this year’s conference was Fueling Innovation.
Paving the way for ISC 2020
The 2020 conference will once again be held at Forum Messe Frankfurt, and will run from June 21 through June 25, 2020. This is the 35th conference in the series, which will broadly embrace HPC in terms of processing, storage, and network, HPC algorithms and applications, and the convergence of simulation with and machine learning and data analytics, including data from the “edge.”
ISC has been an important partner of KAUST since our founding,” said Keyes. “Europe is a geographically close partner and contains many centers of excellence in HPC research participation. As a university, we exhibited at ISC in our early years to recruit faculty, research scientists, post-docs, and PhD students in areas of sustainable technologies and fundamental sciences connected with energy, environment, food, and water. KAUST was formed downstream of the computational revolution, whereby simulation and analytics are respected along with theory and experiment as fundamental paradigms. This is reflected in our faculty hiring, academic structure, curriculum, and, of course, facilities. The expanding scope and depth of the ISC conference series fit our purpose like a glove.”

ISC 2020 Program Chair David Keyes is a Professor of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science Director of the Extreme Computing Research Center at KAUST.
As 2020 program chair, Prof. David Keyes is working with the ISC program team to define the conference topics, while also leading the 2020 steering committee, spearheading the effort to further elevate the value of ISC High Performance for the HPC community. The tradition of annually rotating the ISC program chair was introduced in 2015 in order to establish a knowledge-sharing process with HPC leaders who play a pivotal role in advancing the field.
Keyes will be assisted by the ISC 2020 deputy program chair, a newly created role, undertaken by Prof. Martin Schulz from Technische Universität München (TUM). Martin Schulz is a Full Professor and Chair for Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems at TUM.
To support the growth and integration of the international HPC community, ISC has committed to showcasing researchers from more countries and to foster a broader array of ideas and experiences,” said Keyes. “That commitment provides attendees with a ‘one-stop shop’ for exploring new technologies and novel solutions to advance scientific research and accelerate industrial innovation. The tutorials and workshops immediately before and after the main technical program are an important part of this community outreach.”
“It is my honor to serve as the ISC 2020 Program Chair,” continued Keyes. “I will do my best to keep the technical program in tune with the community, increase the prestige of being selected to present, expand the range of participants, and present a conference that encourages diverse constituents to take advantage of the latest enablements and fruits of HPC.”
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