Mellanox Rolls Out New LinkX 200G & 400G Cables & Transceivers

Today Mellanox announced new LinkX 100/200/400G cables and transceivers at the China International Optoelectronic Expo (CIOE) September 4th in Shenzhen, China and the European Convention for Optical Communications (ECOC) Sept 21st in Dublin, Ireland.

We’ve had tremendous adoption of our full line of LinkX 25/50/100G cables and transceivers with web-scale, cloud computing, and OEM customers in China and worldwide,” said, Steen Gundersen, vice president LinkX interconnects, Mellanox Technologies. “We are just at the beginning of the transition to 200G and 400G will soon follow. Customers select Mellanox because of our expertise in high-speed interconnects, our capacity to ship in volume, and the high quality of our products.”

New products include 400G DR4 500m transceivers, 400G DAC splitters, and 100G SFP-DD DAC cables for server/storage interconnects. In addition, new 200G “active” DAC cables for HDR InfiniBand and 200GbE Ethernet were introduced to extend copper cable reach up to four meters. Lastly, new QSA56 Port Adapters enable single-channel SFP cables and transceivers to be connected to 200G switch or network adapter ports. QSA56 supports cables and transceivers from 0.5m to 10km.

All Mellanox cables and transceivers are designed for very low Bit Error Ratios (BER) of 1E-15, about 1,000 times better than the IEEE industry standard. Error-free connectivity for both Ethernet and InfiniBand is particularly important for latency sensitive applications such as HPC networking, storage, artificial intelligence and hyperscale computing.

At ECOC, together with Ixia, A Keysight Business, using its A400GE-QDD test system and Mellanox 400G DR4 and 200G SR4 transceivers, a live demonstration will exhibit better than IEEE specified FEC (Forward Error Correction) error density and BER performance.

Ixia is pleased to continue working closely with Mellanox for ECOC live demonstration of interconnect solutions such as 400G DR4 QSFP-DD and 200G QSFP56 products,” said Nelson Murga, Senior Systems Architect at Ixia Solutions Group, Keysight Technologies. “Using both Ethernet and PRBS signals over Mellanox’s interconnects with our test system validates performance that exceeds the requirements of the 400GbE and 200GbE standards.”

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