Podcast: The Dos and Don’ts of RFP Benchmarks


Tricia Balle from Cray presents on benchmarking at the Perth HPC Conference.

In this podcast, reviews a presentation on Benchmarks in HPC Procurement Tenders by Tricia Balle of Cray. She gave the talk at the recent Perth HPC Conference.

We discuss how benchmarks should and shouldn’t be used in RFPs, and the relevant best practices; important stuff whether you are on the customer side or the vendor side.

Additional highlights:

  • Henry talks about the Google security exploit, discovered in 2017 and finally getting fixed, that allows miscreants to take over your system through a combination of Google email and calendar applications. However, this isn’t so bad – it only potentially impacts 1.5 million users…oh, wait, that’s not correct, it impacts as many as 1.5 BILLION users…which makes it quite bad. Catch of the Week
  • Henry discusses the Wired story below about how wifi almost didn’t happen. Most people probably don’t know that September 15th will mark the 20th anniversary of Wi-Fi. It was introduced to a room of 60 people at the Atlanta Convention Center, an understated announcement for a technology that would go on to change the world. The story is a very cool look at the history of Wi-Fi and how a little-known IEEE specification went on to become the standard vs. something called HomeRF, which was supported by IBM, HP, Intel, and Compaq.

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