In this video from the HPC User Forum, Rick Stevens from Argonne presents: AI for Science.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making strides in transforming how we live. From the tech industry embracing AI as the most important technology for the 21st century to governments around the world growing efforts in AI, initiatives are rapidly emerging in the space. In sync with these emerging initiatives including U.S. Department of Energy efforts, Argonne has launched an “AI for Science” initiative aimed at accelerating the development and adoption of AI approaches in scientific and engineering domains with the goal to accelerate research and development breakthroughs in energy, basic science, medicine, and national security, especially where we have significant volumes of data and relatively less developed theory. AI methods allow us to discover patterns in data that can lead to experimental hypotheses and thus link data driven methods to new experiments and new understanding.
Rick Stevens is Argonne’s Associate Laboratory Director for Computing, Environment and Life Sciences. Stevens has been at Argonne since 1982, and has served as director of the Mathematics and Computer Science Division and also as Acting Associate Laboratory Director for Physical, Biological and Computing Sciences. He is currently leader of Argonne’s Exascale Computing Initiative, and a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Chicago Physical Sciences Collegiate Division. From 2000–2004, Stevens served as Director of the National Science Foundation’s TeraGrid Project and from 1997–2001 as Chief Architect for the National Computational Science Alliance.
Stevens is interested in the development of innovative tools and techniques that enable computational scientists to solve important large-scale problems effectively on advanced scientific computers. Specifically, his research focuses on three principal areas: advanced collaboration and visualization environments, high-performance computer architectures (including Grids) and computational problems in the life sciences. In addition to his research work, Stevens teaches courses on computer architecture, collaboration technology, virtual reality, parallel computing and computational science.