Accelerating Research and Enterprise Solutions by Bridging HPC and AI

Venkatesh Kannan from ICHEC

In this video, Venkatesh Kannan from Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) presents: Accelerating Research and Enterprise Solutions by Bridging HPC and AI.

The presentation will highlight the need to address the symbiotic relationship between HPC and AI at different levels – technology development, education & training, and policy making – in order to enable the adoption and accelerating the development of AI solutions by the research and enterprise communities. A number of efforts and projects that are undertaken at the Irish Centre for High-End Computing towards enabling and achieving this in the Irish and European context will be presented.

Venkatesh Kannan is the Technical Manager at the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC), Ireland’s national supercomputing centre. This involves working with all ICHEC staff including a team of 40 computational scientists on a number of academic, public and private sector projects across offices in Dublin and Galway. Venkatesh is responsible for developing and managing partnerships to undertake computation-driven research and technical development in European and domestic programmes. This includes advising the ICHEC Director on strategic directions, identifying and progressing new partnerships, managing and the co-ordination all of the Centre’s technical activities. Venkatesh also represents ICHEC for relevant Irish and EU initiatives.

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