GCS Centres HLRS, JSC, and LRZ to Exhibit SC19

Rendering of the HLRS booth at SC19. © HLRS

The three GCS computing centers from Germany will sponsor an exhibit at SC19. The event takes place Nov. 17-22 in Denver.

Meet the three GCS centres, the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), and Leibniz Supercomputing Centre Garching (LRZ) at SC19 in Denver, Colorado (USA). The international conference for high-performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis is the annually recurring premier event for the global high-performance computing (HPC) community.


  • HLRS. At its booth #409, HLRS‘s presentations will focus on immersive parallel visualization, showcasing applications from the fields of engineering, city planning (particulate matter and traffic simulations), and architecture (building information modeling). HLRS’s centrepiece exhibit will be an augmented reality (AR) visualization of the air flow in an operating room (OR), which was developed at HLRS in partnership with the German medical device manufacturer Dräger. With heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems in an OR playing a major role in transporting airborne bacteria, Dräger aims at taking the insights gained into account to help reduce the rates of surgical site infections.
  • Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC). JSC’s presentations at booth #1563 will revolve around the concept of modular supercomputing architecture (MSA), a fresh approach for developing heterogeneous HPC systems that supports the divergent high-performance computation and data processing as well as data analytics requirements. The European-Union-funded DEEP research projects, which played a major role in the development of MSA, will also be on display at the JSC booth, and special emphasis will be on the first module of JUWELS, the modular HPC system installed at JSC. As one example of demanding HPC applications, JSC staff will showcase an Earth system model (a coupled climate model which also explicitly models the movement of carbon through the earth system) by presenting the results of climate modeling in videos and climate-relevant data which was visualized by the use of augmented reality. JSC will complement the program by showcasing some of its in-house-developed HPC tools and information on the comprehensive user support program offered at JSC. As a guest on the JSC booth, Mellanox will showcase their latest generation of ConnectX-6 adapters.
  • LRZ. As in the previous year, LRZ will be hosting the Bavarian Supercomputing Alliance on its booth #2063, this year held under the motto ‘Bits, Bytes, Brezn & Beer’. Teams from LRZ, the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, the Technical University of Munich, the University of Regensburg and the Erlangen Regional Computing Center (RRZE) of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg will showcase “Supercomputing in Bavaria”innovations, including world-leading research in energy-efficient HPC and performance engineering as well as several use cases of HPC excellence in astrophysics, climate research, and life sciences.

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