Video: Research on Blue Waters

Dr. Brett Bode from NCSA

In this video from the HPC User Forum at Argonne, Dr. Brett Bode from NCSA presents: Research on Blue Waters.

Blue Waters is one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world and is one of the fastest supercomputers on a university campus. Scientists and engineers across the country use the computing and data power of Blue Waters to tackle a wide range of challenging problems, from predicting the behavior of complex biological systems to simulating the evolution of the cosmos.

NCSA’s mission is to enable discovery—to provide the resources, tools, and expert support that fuel ground-breaking research in science and engineering. Everything we do, everything we are, drives us toward that goal.

The Blue Waters project, supported by the National Science Foundation, makes one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers in the world available for compute-intensive and data-intensive research. Scientists and engineers from across the country can tap the power of Blue Waters to advance our knowledge of severe storms, earthquakes, interactions of molecules, the formation of galaxies, and much more.

Dr. Brett Bode is Assistant Director at National Center for Supercomputing Applications.

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