Video: The Cambridge Research Computing Service

Paul Calleja from the University of Cambridge

In this video from the UK HPC Conference, Paul Calleja from the University of Cambridge presents: The Cambridge Research Computing Service.

The Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery (C2D3) brings together researchers and expertise from across the academic departments and industry to drive research into the analysis, understanding and use of data science. The Centre is funded by a series of collaborations with partners in business and industry which have an interest in using data science for the benefit of their customers and their organisations. With unprecedented access to increasing volumes of data, our research ranges from the underlying fundamentals in mathematics and computer science, to data science applications across all six University Schools of Arts and Humanities, Biological Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Humanities and Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Technology. In parallel, our research addresses important issues around law, ethics and economics, in order to apply data science to solve challenging problems for society.

Paul Calleja is Director of Research Computing Services at University of Cambridge. He obtained his PhD in computational bio-physics at Bath University. After filling a post-doctoral research position at Birkbeck College, he moved into private industry, where he spearheaded early commercialisation of HPC cluster solutions within the UK. After six years in the commercial sector Paul returned to academia to lead the new HPC service at Imperial College, London. From there, in 2005 he moved to the University of Cambridge, to form a new HPC service with University-wide capabilities and a novel pay-per-use cloud computing model. The University of Cambridge now boasts one of the largest academic supercomputing facilities in the UK. Paul is now responsible for the University’s research computing services across all academic disciplines.

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