Arm HPC User Group Returns to Denver Nov. 18

The Arm HPC team invites you to our 5th Annual Arm HPC User Group (AHUG) session at SC19. The all-day event takes place on Monday, Nov. 18 at the Curtis Hotel in Denver.

We have a full day agenda of strategic partners and end-users from all regions of the world sharing their experiences, best practices, plans, ecosystem advances, and results on Arm-based platforms for HPC applications.

The goal of this event is, as always, to candidly share and network among the growing number of users and sites that are deploying Arm for HPC and to highlight the work of the many leaders in this area. While the agenda at SC19 is fairly USA heavy, we have great representation of EU, JAPAN, and UK as well. Furthermore, we will be delving in to the future of the Arm HPC User Group and how the leaders in this community can have even greater influence and an expanded role for the Arm HPC ecosystem.

What: ARM HPC User Group
When: Monday Nov. 18
Where: Curtis Hotel, 1405 Curtis Street, Denver, Colorado

The current agenda for this event is listed below. Registration is free and we ask that you register prior to the event so that we can get a head-count estimate of attendees. We understand that folks may not be able to attend the entire day’s line-up due to other workshops happening on the Monday of SC, so please attend at your convenience.


9:00 am – Opening remarks and Arm update, Brent Gorda, Arm

9:20 am – Fugaku supercomputer, Mitsuhisa Sato, Riken

9:40 am – High performance AI training on SVE/A64FX, Kento Sato, Riken

10:00 am – A64FX SVE evaluation and building up the Arm HPC Ecosystem, Shinji Sumimoto

10:20 am – From K towards Fugaku, application provisioning on Arm+SVE, Gilles Gouaillardet, RIST

10:40 am – Advantage of Arm processors in high energy physics, Wataru Takase, KEK

11:00 am – Isambard / Catalyst activities and results, Simon Macintosh-Smith, Bristol

11:20 am – EPCC / Catalyst activities and results, Michele Weiland, EPCC

11:40 am – DiRAC activities and progress in Catalyst, Mark Wilkinson, Leicester


1:00 pm – HPC SIG ecosystem activities, Elsie Wahlig, Linaro

1:20 pm – HPE’s on-going work with Arm for HPC, Andy Warner, HPE

1:40 pm – The next phase of Arm HPC deployments, Dan Ernst, Cray

2:00 pm – NVIDIA CUDA/ML stacks for Arm HPC, Giri Chukapalli, NVIDIA

2:20 pm – Astra: Experiences scaling Arm to petaflops and beyond, Kevin Pedretti, Sandia

2:40 pm – Topic TBD, Steve Poole, LANL

3:00 pm – MVAPICH performance on Arm at scale, DK Panda, Ohio State University

3:20 PM – BREAK

3:40 pm – Porting LANL ASC applications to Arm ThunderX2 systems, Howard Pritchard, LANL

4:00 pm – Evaluation of Arm Thunder X2 based supercomputer ecosystem, JaeHyuk Kwack, ANL

4:20 pm – Project38: Design studies for the future of HPC, John Shalf, LBNL

4:40 pm – EPI Design update, Yingchih Yang, EPI

5:00 pm – Altair on Arm at scale, Eric Lequinou, Altair

5:20 pm – Linear Algebra on Arm-based CPUs: From NEON to SVE, Dirk Pleiter, Jülich Supercomputing Centre

5:40 pm – Analysis of 4 applications on Dibona using BSC tools, Filippo Mantovani, BSC

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