Radio Free HPC Recaps the SC19 Student Cluster Competition

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team recaps the SC19 Student Cluster Competition.

We talk about the student configurations, kicked around the pros and cons of the “small is beautiful” movement in the student cluster competition world. “Does the trend towards fewer-bigger nodes mean a re-emergence and eventual re-victory of SMP over MPP?” wonders Shahin! No records in HPL or HPCG, but some good scores regardless.”

Other highlights:

  • Cybersecurity. Henry talks with real anger and sadness about a horrific story of a chain of nursing homes that was attacked by ransomware. These nursing homes now don’t know what medication should go to which patient along with a lot of other problems. Everyone agrees that these malicious criminal idiots are getting worse and that something needs to be done about it pronto.
  • Jessi Lanum’s “Things that people think they know, but maybe don’t is a new feature on the big broadcast. In this inaugural edition, Jessi asks “What is Exascale and why is it important?” The guys all respond and cover her question like ants on a dead possum.
  • Henry notes that the new Star Wars script was almost sold on Ebay after being filched from a careless actor. Sheesh, is nothing private anymore?
  • Jessi found a company that is using HPC, AI and WRF to help fight forest fires, which is great, given the wildfire season we’ve seen this year. Shahin also highlights the work at UC San Diego.
  • Shahin notes that the newest Crypto500 ranking is out! Bitcoin has taken over the crypto currency world by latest count, see the white paper here, the slides here, and the Medium article here.
  • Dan reach out to the RFHPC faithful set of 16 listeners.

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