In this video from the Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing 2019, Glenn Lockwood from NERSC presents: I/O Architectures and Technology.
“Systems are very different, but the APIs you use shouldn’t be:
- Understanding performance is easier when you know what’s behind the API
- What really happens when you read or write some data?”
The Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing (ATPESC) provides intensive, two weeks of training on the key skills, approaches, and tools to design, implement, and execute computational science and engineering applications on current high-end computing systems and the leadership-class computing systems of the future.
Glenn K. Lockwood is a storage architect who specializes in I/O performance analysis, extreme-scale storage architectures, and emerging I/O technologies. His research interests revolve around understanding I/O performance by correlating performance analysis across all levels of the I/O subsystem, from node-local page cache to back-end storage devices. To this end, he is actively involved in the development of TOKIO, a framework for holistic I/O performance characterization. He is also a maintainer of the IOR and mdtest community I/O benchmarks and contributes to the Darshan I/O profiling library.
Prior to joining ATG, Glenn was a user services consultant at the San Diego Supercomputer Center where he provided collaborative support for data-intensive computing projects in areas including ecology and genomics. He has also consulted for and worked in private industry, and has a formal research background in the chemical physics of water-silica interfaces and molecular dynamics. He holds a Ph.D. in materials science and B.S. in ceramic engineering, both from Rutgers University.