Fostering STEM education is a key to the future of high performance computing. Along these lines, ISC 2020 HPC Career Day will give 200 job seekers interested in HPC the opportunity to participate in the ISC 2020 conference on Wednesday, June 24.
Organizations scouting for STEM talent are welcome to utilize this new program to make connections with students, early and mid-career professionals looking for exciting prospects within the areas of HPC, machine learning, and data analytics.
This program is highly effective if your organization wants to meet strong, motivated candidates for open vacancies and internships, as well as for educational institutions that seek applicants for their graduate and postgraduate programs.
The attendee profile will include early career and mid-career researchers, engineers, scientists and academics, as well as PhD, Masters and Bachelor students within the age range of 18 to 30+. These students are knowledgeable in computer science, computer engineering, information technology, autonomous systems, physics, mathematics, and more.
ISC High Performance offered free registration to university students in the past under the successful ISC STEM Day & Gala, and given the increasing demand in the STEM job market, we are now expanding the reach of the program to include early career and mid-career professionals,” said Martin Meuer, the ISC General Co-chair.
“By sponsoring the ISC HPC Career Day, you are also helping your organization brand itself in this niche space, as well as contribute to shaping a qualified workforce – sow now and reap future benefits! In return, we’ll ensure you good visibility as an HPC Career Day sponsor.”
As this event is held free of charge for all participants, the attendance rate is very high. If you are interested in finding out how your organization can participate in the event, please contact