Benchmarking CPUs at Shell

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Ronald Cogswell from Shell

In this video from the Rice Oil & Gas Conference, Ronald Cogswell presents: Benchmarking CPUs at Shell.

In this presentation we will compare the benchmarking results from the latest 2 generations of CPU hardware from AMD and Intel. The benchmarks were conducted using proprietary Seismic kernels as well as known open source benchmarks. The study focused on memory bandwidth, flops and overall performance and provides results of real-world production Seismic workloads.

The Rice Oil and Gas High Performance Computing (OG-HPC) Conference, hosted annually at Rice University in Houston, TX, is the premier meeting place for the industry to engage in conversations about challenges and opportunities in high performance computing, computational science and engineering, machine learning, and data science. Attended by more than 500 leaders and experts from the oil and gas industry, academia, national labs, and IT industry, this is a unique opportunity to engage and network with key stakeholders.

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