Podcast: Supercomputers Battle Coronavirus

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at how supercomputers are being used to battle the coronavirus.

We quickly move on to discussing the Corona Virus, which started sharing the headlines with its handiwork COVID-19. What else is anyone talking about these days, right? We discuss how the  community has joined the fight and the impact on the battle against the virus. We do our best to keep the conversation light, knowing that everyone out there is suffering from the virus – it’s the one thing we all have in common these days. We hope you enjoy the episode.

Other highlights:

Henry: Hackers target medical field during COVID-19 crisis, one of the worst things we’ve heard in a long time.

Shahin: Tells us about a great talk, “Software Defined Microarchitecture An Arguably Terrible Idea, but Certainly not the Worst Idea” as found on insideHPC.

Jessie: Discusses how Globus is offering free access for anyone working on the Covid19 Virus. Great job, Globus, way to pitch in.

Dan: Shares his latest addiction, the ancient Asian game of Go. Here is an intro to the game and some puzzles to work on, get crackin’.

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